Speaking truth to power one artwork at a time: Youth are #ClaimingOurSpace for road safety

Speaking truth to power one artwork at a time: Youth are #ClaimingOurSpace for road safety

Speaking truth to power one artwork at a time: Youth are #ClaimingOurSpace for road safety

GreenLight Initiative Partners with the Global Coalition for Road Safety and YOURS with the Support of Total Energies Foundation to Implement the “ClaimingOurspace” Project in Nigeria

Young leaders from across the world are claiming their space in the global road safety agenda in preparation for the High-Level Meeting on Road Safety taking place in June 2022. GreenLight Initiative in partnership with YOURS, and its Global Youth Coalition, with the support of Total Energies Foundation launched a new art campaign entitled: #ClaimingOurSpace. Using arts and creativity, young artists from 6 countries including Nigeria will capture the voices of young leaders in road safety and produce 6 artworks. This will culminate in a youth-led arts exhibition at the United Nations headquarters in NYC where youth intend to build bridges with decision-makers to work meaningfully with them.

Road traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for young people aged 15-29. Data from the World Health Organization reveals that of the 1.35 million road-related deaths recorded worldwide annually, young people aged 15-29 make up more than 300,000 of the total number. Youth voices and their needs are often ignored and not included in preventing these tragedies. Through this new artistic campaign, youth and artists will build compelling stories as to why decision-makers should harness the power of youth for the road safety cause.

#ClaimingOurSpace will enable young people to illustrate to local and global leaders the energy, zeal, creativity, and action-orientated innovative solutions that youth bring to the global road safety problem. It will also highlight why youth ought to be meaningfully engaged at all levels and stages of road safety policy and decision-making processes. Without them, a generation of solutions will be missed.

“When it comes to road safety, as youth, we are now officially recognized as stakeholders in the Global Plan for the Decade of Action. The next step is to start seeing this implemented in real life, on a country and city-level. I would like to see my peers taking part in this campaign to show decision-makers that we are ready to join forces. I invite you to support us in echoing our message!” – Sana’a Khasawneh, member of the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety.

The artistic campaign will showcase youth leadership and stories spotlighting how young people take action themselves to help deliver road safety. It will also illustrate how road safety is connected with other key development issues such as climate action, health, education, gender equality, and sustainable cities.

“We support projects such as #ClaimingOurSpace that focuses on implementing concrete solutions and offers young people a way to mobilize, create and express themselves through familiar tools such as social networks.  Giving a voice to young people and allowing them to unite around the issue of road safety is key to offering them a future on safe roads and illustrates the “strength of solidarity” that we have inscribed in our values”- Bruno Courme, TotalEnergies Corporate Foundation’s director.

The campaign is focused in six countries: Argentina, Brazil, India, Jordan, Nigeria, and South Africa. In these countries, youth will deliver their demands to local leaders and call for action on road safety.  They will then inspire local artists to create different art pieces around this topic. The result of their artistic work will be exhibited during the upcoming United Nations High-Level Meeting on Road Safety starting on 30 June 2022.

The need for youthful inclusion in road safety decision-making table has never been this urgent. In October 2021, the United Nations (UN) adopted a new Decade of Action Plan 2021-2030 with an ambitious target to reduce the over 1.35 million road deaths globally to at least 50% by 2030. The targets also seek to partner and prioritize the safety of vulnerable road users such as children and young people – Simon Patrick Obi, GreenLight Initiative

We are delighted that high-profile local artists and influencers are sharing their talents and abilities, including Mauricio Leguizamón (filmmaker – Argentina), Salve Samuca (dancer – Brazil), Shweta Bhattad (performer – India), Noor Alawad (visual artist – Jordan), Chidiebere Ibe (illustrator – Nigeria), Ayanda Makayi (actor – South Africa), Honeybellann Ndubuisi (singer – Nigeria), among others.

We are inviting youth leaders from around the world to join and claim their space. For instructions, please visit  www.claimingourspace.org/campaign. The #ClaimingOurSpace campaign will run from April to July 2022 and is supported by WHO and the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety.


YOURS is a global non-profit organization that is a direct follow-up to the United Nation’s first World Youth Assembly for Road Safety held in 2007. YOURS believes that young people have a right to be adequately informed, consulted, and empowered on road safety. Its mission is to make the world’s roads safer for young people everywhere. YOURS is a multi-award-winning organization, an official member of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration, and has Consultative Status at UN ECOSOC. More information at youthforroadsafety.org

About the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety

The Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety unites individual youth and organizations and is made up of more than 900 passionate young people from across the world who are taking action for safe mobility issues. It is underpinned by the principles of the Global Youth Statement for Road Safety. The Coalition connects road safety to key related topics such as health, sustainable cities, climate change, education, poverty, and equality. More information at claimingourspace.org

TotalEnergies corporate Foundation

TotalEnergies corporate Foundation acts in favor of young people, in particular the most vulnerable ones. Founded in 1992, it works today alongside its partners in four priority areas: Inclusion & Education; Road Safety; Climate, Coastal Areas & Oceans; and Cultural Dialogue & Heritage. Its actions, anchored in the Company’s host regions and mostly in France, fit within TotalEnergies Foundation worldwide solidarity program and hence contribute to the Company’s citizenship engagement. More information at foundation.totalenergies.com 

About Create2030

Create2030 is an artist-led initiative of professional, working-class artists and storytellers (90% BI-POC) who are committed to using their talents and influence in support of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs.)


Adebayo Stephen, 

Program Officer, GreenLight Initiative 


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